“Getting old sucks”

Throughout my career as a personal trainer and massage therapist, I’ve heard this statement countless times- and it’s usually accompanied by a story of bizarre or mysterious onset of pain:

“It was so random, I was just…(folding laundry/ changing a lightbulb/ taking out the trash/ getting out of the car)…”

Or an old injury resurfaces seemingly out of nowhere:

“I haven’t thought about that sprained ankle in years, it hasn’t bothered me till now!”

Or that favorite go-to exercise or activity isn’t quite the same:

“I used to _____ all the time, but now I can barely keep up!”

Or when occasional pain becomes constant or crippling.

Or when life gets to be too much to handle.

Complaints of chronic pain, high blood pressure, increased stress, burnout, headaches, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and movement-related injuries are on the rise.


The human body doesn’t come with a user’s manual, and over time we accumulate habits that ultimately cause harm. Any activity done with the best intentions can still result in overuse or injury if the body is not trained how to move well first.

Our modern culture causes us to become disconnected from our bodies: a more sedentary lifestyle, consuming highly processed food, constant exposure to marketing and misinformation about how to be “healthy”.

And to make things worse, navigating the fitness space can be overwhelming:

  • most gyms are loud and crowded, with staff that are pushy or stand-offish, perhaps perpetuating destructive mindsets or training techniques (“no pain no gain”, “sweat it out”, “move till you drop”)

  • the market is saturated with endless amounts of information, where do you even start? How do you know what’s going to work for you?

  • social media sets unrealistic expectations of health and beauty, tanking self esteem, pushing quick fixes or the latest fad to sell a product

Here's the good news


Here's the good news !

While this overwhelm can further affect our ability to connect to our body, both massage and strength training help to rebuild that connection in a safe and healthy way by shifting your focus to properly activating and building muscle!


Our bodies function best with some amount of muscle and fat. They also require a certain amount of consistent stimulation to override well-ingrained habits: posture and movement, sleeping and eating, but also mindset and attitude.

See below for why building muscle is an effective way to reach the most common health and fitness goals:

  • Strengthen the core from the inside out, correct muscular imbalances, and stabilize joints. This reduces strain on soft tissues and prevents future injury and pain, creating a resilient movement system.

    Stretching and massage alone (even when applied correctly) isn’t enough stimulus to make lasting change in the body. Your tissues need to build strength and endurance, even for sitting in front of a computer all day!

  • Sarcopenia is the age-related loss of muscular tissue, which begins around the age of 30 and accelerates after 60. Prevent future injury and falls, manage aches and pains, improve other health markers (blood pressure, cholesterol, insulin sensitivity)

    Feel stronger, younger, and more capable!

  • Getting stronger is empowering and builds confidence

    Resistance training helps to build a resilient nervous system:

    Challenging the body an appropriate amount, followed by proper recovery (sleep and nutrition) creates a positive adaptation, meaning your body is better able to handle stress (mental and physical!)

  • Build muscle to burn fat, create a resilient metabolism!

    Elevate resting metabolic rate (RMR= calories burned in a day while at rest) by increasing muscle tissue which requires more energy to build and maintain, even at rest.

    The often-prescribed cardio-based exercise program, paired with a caloric deficit will ultimately lower RMR when applied consistently.

Why hire a personal trainer?

We all have our own individual needs and face obstacles which can infinitely complicate the process of reaching any type of health goal.

For the body to build muscle, most of these conditions must be simultaneously met:

  1. appropriate resistance training program (acute variables, proper form, adequate recovery)

  2. fueling the body with enough protein and energy (carbs & fats)

  3. consistent sleep schedule

  4. manageable stress levels in your everyday life

  5. low inflammation (systemic and localized)

  6. moderate energy levels

Therefore I also help my clients overcome mental or logistical barriers, cultivate a healthier mindset, set better goals, learn how to listen to their bodies, and systematically change health behaviors slowly for sustained results.

The Cascade Lifestyle process is focused on education about exercise and other lifestyle factors. Clients who invest their time in learning these practices will see the most successful quality of life outcomes 2, 5, or 20 years down the road.

Other popular programs may result in some amount of weight loss, but are unsustainable long term because they do not teach any behavioral tools; only “restrict calories & move more” which lowers the metabolic rate and increases the risk of injury.

Why hire ME as your personal trainer? 
Read more in the About Me and My Philosophy sections